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International Conference On Contemporary Cast Iron ArT


The International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art (ICCCIA) brings together international practitioners and learners to exchange, share and generate new ideas, explore practices and concepts intersecting around the medium of iron. We as practitioners gather to share this common element of Iron and respect for each other, welcoming those with like minds as well as respectful differences. We gather to celebrate this practice and each other with respect and gratitude. We strive to create a culture of inclusive practice to establish a foundation for each individual to belong.

(FE)edback Presentation from the 9th ICCCIA in Berlin, Germany, 2023: 

"ICCCIA: International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 238483 Cocoa, FL 32923 

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PO Box 238483

Cocoa, FL 32923

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